Services We Provide


Staying up to date on all of your vaccines and immunizations will help keep you healthy. Vaccinations are specially formulated to trigger the production of antibodies causing your body to build up immunity to one or more diseases. This means when you come into contact with a particular disease your body recognizes it and is better prepared to fight it off.

Urgent Medical Center provides standard vaccinations that help protect you against a number of harmful diseases. Vaccines are never 100% guaranteed to prevent infection but are proven to greatly limit your risk of infection as well as

close up of woman getting vaccine at urgent care

Who Needs Vaccinations?

Everyone needs vaccinations at different times throughout life including young children, the elderly and everyone in between. Some antibodies remain with you forever, while others fade over time. This is why some vaccinations are only required once in a lifetime, while others should be administered regularly every so many years. For instance, the flu shot must be given annually to remain effective, largely because new flu strains arrive every year.

The CDC highly recommends certain vaccinations including influenza (flu), tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. It is recommended for older adults to get vaccinated against shingles and pneumococcal disease. If you are diabetic it is recommended to get a vaccine against hepatitis B. There are also optional vaccines such as Gardasil, which protects against HPV (human papilloma virus), a known contributor to certain cancers.

Urgent Medical Center is here to help you stay on track of the vaccines you need. If you are ever unsure if you need a certain vaccine or not, a simple blood test can detect the appropriate answer.

To learn more about what vaccines are required or recommended for your age please visit:

nurse putting band aid on childs arm after tetanus shot

Vaccines Provided

  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
  • Hepatitis A & B
  • TDap
  • DTap
  • Tetanus
  • Flu shots
  • Pneumococcal (pneumonia) *
  • Meningococcal (meningitis) *
  • Gardasil (HPV) *
  • Zostavax (shingles) *
doctor making flu shot while patient waits in background

Why Choose Urgent Medical Center?

Urgent Medical Center’s mission is to offer high quality health care that exceeds our patients’ expectations in a caring, convenient, and cost-effective manner. We emphasize the value of traditional patient-physician relationship, while staying abreast of all technical advancements in order to deliver the best health care possible.

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smiling elderly patient about to get vaccine

We Accept All Major Insurances!

Urgent Medical Center is in network with most major insurers. Click the link below to get more information on all the insurance plans we accept and other insurance-related information.

avmed logo
first health
Kaiser Permanente Logo
care plus v2

We also offer our self pay patients the option of financing through a Membership Plan, so you can take advantage of all our services for minimal cost.
To learn more, visit our UMC Membership page.

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happy portrait and elderly woman doctor

Services We Provide


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