Top 4 Most Common Illnesses

Common IllnessesTop 4 Most Common Illnesses

Common illnesses spread quickly, impacting more people some years than others. According to Livestrong, the most common illnesses in the US account not only for missed school and work time, but they also cause 7 out of 10 deaths each year. In 2014 alone, over 133 million people will suffer from some form of illness, either chronic or curable.

4 common illnesses in the US that people frequently spread and contract include: the common cold and flu, strep throat, STDs, and hepatitis B.

  1. The Common Cold & Flu

Among the most common illnesses, the common cold is at the top of the list. Each year a number of different strains go around, usually infecting the upper respiratory tract. Coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and sneezing are just some of the most popular symptoms associated with the common cold.

The common flu is another common illness, known to impact as many as 49,000 people some years and only 3,000 other years. During flu season deaths are most likely to impact the elderly, who account for 90% of all flu-related casualties.

The flu can come and go, or it can turn into more serious complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or ear and sinus infections. In adults, flu (also known as influenza) symptoms are very similar to the common cold, with sniffling, weakness, headaches, a cough, or sore throat among the leading ailments. Vomiting and diarrhea are also common side effects; children suffering from the flu are more likely to experience these 2 symptoms than adults are (Read More on Flu Symtoms).

  1. Strep Throat

Strep throat is a bit more serious than the common cold, plus it can cause greater discomfort. Every winter 20% of healthy individuals will catch the strep bug, otherwise known as streptococcus pyogenes. Strep thrives in your throat and nose and can stay there for months without causing any harm or symptoms. Although in some cases you will get sick from strep, causing a sudden, persistent, and downright terrible sore throat.  Thankfully, with the right treatment and antibiotics strep throat is easy to manage and treat (See WebMD Article).

  1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

When you think ‘common illnesses’ you might not think STD. But it’s true; STDs are one of the most actively transmitted illnesses in the US. So how common are STDs in America? 20% of the population is a carrier of an STD, and 50% of youth will catch some form of STD before they turn 25. The most common STD is Chlamydia.  More women have chlamydia than men, although researchers believe this might be because more women are tested for Chlamydia than men.

  1. Hepatitis B

While AIDS is more commonly buzzed about, hepatitis B is 100 times more infectious! This contagious form of hepatitis is transmitted blood to blood. It infects the liver, causing it to become inflamed, and can lead to mild or very serve infection. Around the world millions of people are positive for Hepatitis B, which accounts for 1 million deaths every year. In America, 1 in 20 people are infected with hepatitis B at some point in their life. Prior to exposure, there is a vaccine you can get to help your body fight off hepatitis B.

So how dangerous is hepatitis B?

-90% of infected adults are able to create the proper immunities when they come into contact with hepatitis B.

-10% will successfully fight of the illness but maintain lasting chronic effects.

Common Illnesses That Are Not Spread Person To Person

Some of the most common illnesses in the US are not contagious, and instead are acquired naturally by the human body. Either due to physical strain, ageing, genetic predisposition, or some other condition unrelated to picking up an illness from someone else. Some of these common illnesses include: anemia, type 2 diabetes, allergies, Alzheimer’s and altitude sickness. Lung Cancer is another common disease that is not transmitted, causing 1 in every 3 deaths in the US, according to research by Cedars-Sinai.

Why Do Most People Visit Urgent Care?

When you visit your local Urgent Medical Center or Emergency Room, you don’t usually know what you are technically experiencing. That’s part of the reason why you go see a doctor; you want answers as to why you are feeling off, sick, or perhaps downright miserable.

The most common symptoms that people experience before going to their local Urgent Care or ER include:

-Chest pains

-Diarrhea or vomiting

-Abdominal pain

-Suspected sprains and broken bones

-Cuts and open wounds

-Back pain

-Visible infections on the skin

-Foreign objects trapped in body


At Urgent Medical Center we provide comprehensive care for many types of illnesses. Visit us today for the relief you deserve!

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