How To Get Rid Of Dry Cough – 7 Simple Steps

How To Get Rid Of Dry CoughWe are rapidly approaching the season full of holiday cheer, as well as coughs. Coughs can be incredibly annoying, and even debilitating. Coughing can be distracting, interfere with your work and social life, as well as cause your chest to ache.

Long after an upper respiratory infection goes away, a cough tends to linger around. A dry cough can also kick up for apparently no reason at all. Uncovering the cause of your dry cough can help you identify the best solution to get rid of it. In this blog we explain the most common causes of a dry cough, as well as 7 steps you can take to lose your persistent cough.

What Is A Dry Cough?

With a dry cough you do not generally cough up mucus, but instead a ticklish feeling at the back of your throat provokes it. This sensation is caused by something irritating your throat, and this ‘something’ can range to include a number of ailments. When provoked, your throat becomes inflamed, causing your cough and discomfort to worsen.

Common Causes Of A Dry Cough

The most common causes of a dry cough are lingering symptoms from a respiratory infection, such as the cold or flu. In some cases a dry cough begins at the start of an illness, but usually it develops towards the middle or end. Other causes of dry coughs commonly include:

  • Hayfever—allergy to tree pollen and grass
  • Smoking
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Acid reflux
  • Dry air
  • Certain medications to control high blood pressure
  • Stress

7 Ways to help ease your dry cough:


1. Put Moisture In The Air

A dry cough is often caused by dry air, as well as hard mucus buildup lining your nasal passages. Take a steamy shower or add a humidifier to your space in order to put moisture in the air and help loosen up the secretions your body is trying to cough up. If you regularly use a humidifier, be sure to take care of cleaning otherwise humidifiers breed fungus and bacteria that is then pumped out into the air.

2. Remove Potential Allergens

What allergens might be causing your cough? Do you have pets? Have you changed your AC filters recently? Did you move to a new state, or add a new flower to your garden? There are many different possibilities when it comes to potential allergens. Try and determine when your cough started and any changes in your environment around that time.

3. Relief With Lozenges & Soothing Teas

Menthol based lozenges actually numb your throat so that you do not have the same pressing sensation to cough. There is clinical evidence that proves warm tea is truly beneficial to helping soothe your throat as well.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

When you cough due to an upper respiratory tract infection you are experiencing postnasal drip. This means snot is built up in excess and as a result is dripping down your throat and causing irritation. By drinking plenty of water you help wash away the nasal fluids. Also, drinking water keeps your mucous membranes moist, which helps reduce irritation due to dry weather.

5. Don’t Overuse Cough Suppressants

Taking an over the counter cough suppressant can be very helpful if your cough is keeping you up at night, but you want to avoid overusing suppressants. Coughing is your body’s natural way of healing itself by removing the mucus trapped in your lungs. Coughing actually helps prevent a bacterial infection from forming. If you have asthma or any sort of lung disease it’s important that you cough for your overall health. Cough medicines can cause a number of issues if taken over prolonged periods.

6. Take A Hiatus From Acidic Foods

Heartburn can come with an array of side effects, including a dry cough. If you are prone to heartburn it means that a molecule known as pepsin surges past your esophagus and attaches to your throat. Your body doesn’t know the pepsin is there until you eat foods that contain acids, at which point the pepsin becomes activated and your heartburn symptoms flare up. Try removing all acidic foods from your diet and see if this helps clear up your dry cough.

7. Reduce Stress

Some people pick up coughing as a nervous habit without even realizing it. If you notice yourself coughing during stressful situations, it may be a clue that your body is using coughing as a coping mechanism.

Signs your cough is signaling something serious that requires immediate medical attention:

  • Blood comes up when you cough
  • Your cough continues for weeks
  • Cough accompanied by fever, weight loss, or lethargy
  • Your breath feels short and wheezy
  • If you have asthma

If a dry cough is bothering you, visit Urgent Medical Center today for the relief you’ve been searching for.

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