One of the most prevalent New Year’s resolutions is eating healthier. Like many others, maybe you made healthy eating among your top priorities, along with exercising more, drinking less alcohol, getting more rest, and making a fresh start for the New Year. Often these resolutions seem simple when spoken, but become almost unattainable when you attempt to accomplish them. Some individuals fall short of their New Year’s goals within the first week and others quickly follow. Today, let’s focus on the healthy eating resolution and how to stay on track, and not give into cravings. As you curb your cravings with these tips, you can attain your goal of eating well for a healthier you!
Sleep Better
While this may sound as though it has nothing to do with eating healthy, getting a good night’s sleep can help you beat your daytime cravings. Lack of sleep makes your body crave energy boost throughout the day, most often in the form of sugar cravings. By getting the needed seven to nine hours of quality sleep, your body is well rested and won’t crave sugar all day!
Eat Breakfast
Yes, your mother was right, breakfast is an important part of your day, but only when it is done right. Your breakfast should be a delicious balanced blend of protein, fat, and complex carbs to curb your cravings all day long. Consider a breakfast of boiled eggs, avocados, and a slice of wholegrain bread or maybe a smoothie filled with leafy greens, fruit, raw honey, protein milk, and chia seeds.
Keep it Balanced
You began with a healthy breakfast, now keep your eating in balance all day long with lots of vegetables, good fats, and high-quality protein. Keeping your meals healthy will keep hunger pains away and help you manage your cravings all day long. In addition, you will have the added benefit of keeping your blood sugar level maintained.
Slow Down
When it is time to eat, slow down and focus. By paying attention to what you are eating, your body will be more satisfied, and your cravings will be reduced. This means focusing on your food while eating, no multitasking on your phone or computer, no eating on the run, no watching television, but instead sitting down to fully enjoy your food. And one last tip, chew your food. That’s right, each bite should be chewed 20 to 30 times to aid digestion and nutrient absorption and prevent you from overindulging.
When the Cravings Come
Though each of these tips will help keep cravings in check, they will still come at times. When cravings come, follow these steps to choose healthy rather than indulging your craving.
- Drink Water – Often simply drinking a glass of water can stop a craving which may have been caused by dehydration rather than hunger.
- Craving a Sugary Snack – In most cases this means your body is in need of fat. Instead of reaching for that candy bar, donut, or cupcake, try a piece of cheese, a few almonds, or a spoonful of your favorite nut butter to curb your craving for sugar.
- Craving Those Carbs – A craving for carbs can be controlled by adding protein and fat, and cutting the carbs in which you are about to indulge. Add grilled chicken or salmon, with a little cheese to your small pasta portion for a delicious and satisfying meal.
- Craving a Salty Snack – When your body is craving salt, curb that craving with protein. You can control this craving by going for some lightly salted nuts and skipping that bag of your favorite chips.
By following these craving curbing tips, you can stay on track and eat your way healthy into the New Year.