Commonly Asked Questions About Morning Sickness

Morning SicknessThe moment you know there is a little baby growing inside your womb you instantly find yourself with a swirl of new questions racing through your mind. No matter how much you read and research your pregnancy will be full of surprises. Regardless, it’s always best to be knowledgeable about what to expect. Allow us to provide answers to your most commonly asked questions about morning sickness.

What Is Morning Sickness?

Commonly known as ‘morning sickness,’ NVP stands for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Just as its nickname suggests, morning sickness typically begins in the morning but can extend into the afternoon and evening. Symptoms must be treated or else they can worsen, leading to dehydration, weight loss, and other complications that require hospitalization. Treating symptoms from the get-go is the best way to keep mom and baby healthy.

How Soon Should I Start To Feel Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness usually begins in the 4th or 6th week of your pregnancy. Sick spells tend to peak around the 9th week, and disappear between the 12th and 16th week of your pregnancy. One study found only 9% of women continue to experience morning sickness 20 weeks into their pregnancy, and an even smaller percentage experienced morning sickness throughout their entire pregnancy.

How Common Is Morning Sickness?

The majority of pregnant women experience morning sickness. In fact, 70% to 85% of all women suffer from it at some point during their pregnancy.

What Is Hyperemesis Gravidarum?

The worst possible case of morning sickness could be described as hyperemesis gravidarum. This includes constant sickness and vomiting that prevents you from eating and drinking a healthy amount of food and liquids.  As little as 0.5% to 2% of pregnant women experience hyperemesis gravidarum, but it is the second most common reason women are hospitalized during the first part of their pregnancy.

I Only Experience Nausea, But No Vomiting. Is This Normal?

Most women experience nausea during their pregnancy, but only 1/3 experience subsequent vomiting. Just because you don’t experience vomiting doesn’t mean your morning sickness is any easier to deal with. In fact, one study reveals women consider nausea the worst symptom related to morning sickness.

Does My Baby Feel Sick When I Have Morning Sickness?

When you are suffering from morning sickness your baby is just fine, nice and comfortable in your womb. The only way morning sickness can negatively impact your baby is if the symptoms get in the way of you staying hydrated, and well fed. Your growing baby relies on you for all of his or her nutrients, and if you are dehydrated or mal-nourished your developing baby will suffer. Morning sickness can interfere with your appetite and excessive vomiting can dehydrate you. This is why it’s so important to seek medical care and treat symptoms associated with morning sickness right away.

Will Morning Sickness Be The Same With Each Pregnancy?

The funny thing about kids is that they are all different. Including what it is like to carry them around in your womb. How you feel during one pregnancy does not predict how you will feel throughout your future pregnancies. You may experience terrible morning sickness with your first child, and have very little sickness throughout your second pregnancy.

What Actually Causes Morning Sickness?

This question still puzzles medical researchers, who have thus far come to no definite conclusions on the actual cause of morning sickness. There are a number of factors identified as potential causes, including changes in hormones and lower blood sugar. Emotional stress, fatigue, traveling, and certain foods can worsen symptoms associated with morning sickness.

How Do I Relieve Symptoms Of Morning Sickness?

Feeling sick on a consistent basis is difficult, but at least it won’t last forever. While it does last, here are some tips to help you reduce nausea at home:

  • Right when you wake up try eating soda crackers or dry toast.
  • Snack throughout the day instead of consuming large meals.
  • Eat foods that are packed with protein and complex carbohydrates. Avoid eating foods that are full of fat and salt but provide little to no nutritional benefits.
  • Ginger tea, ginger soda, ginger candy, all forms of ginger can help combat morning sickness.
  • Use fans to increase air flow and reduce odors in the home.
  • Take prenatal vitamins before bed.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin B6, found in foods such as whole grains, seeds beans, peas, and nuts.

When Should I Contact Urgent Medical Center Regarding Morning Sickness?

You should contact a doctor if:

  • Your symptoms of morning sickness do not get better
  • If nausea and vomiting extend past the 4th month of pregnancy. This is usually completely normal, but it’s always best to have everything checked out.
  • If you drop over 2 pounds.
  • If your vomit contains blood or what resembles coffee grounds (this is a serious emergency)
  • You are vomiting over 3 times a day and struggling to eat or drink.

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