Does Your Child Need a Back to School Check-up?

As the return to school approaches, there are a number of ways you can have your child(ren) have a safe, happy, and healthy school year. You child(ren) may be heading to school for the first time, entering the halls of high school for his or her final year, or somewhere in between. No matter what age or school year, back to school time is the ideal time for you to have your children’s heath assessed, ensuring they are protected against common illnesses as well as childhood diseases.


Vaccinations are often required by your local school district or by the state in which you live. You will also find they vary from region to region as well. To be certain you are following the immunization requirements for your area, contact your local school district or board. The recommendations that follow are from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and will give you a solid overview of what may be required in your locality.

  • Age Two – Children should have DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), Hepatitis B, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae), MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), Pneumococcus, Polio, Varicella (protection for the chicken pox virus), as well as annual flu immunizations. Please note, your physician may also recommend Hepatitis A depending on your area.
  • Ages 4 to 6 – Children should receive recommended boosters: DTaP, MMR, and Polio. Children under the age of nine, may also need annual flu vaccinations. The flu immunization is recommended for those children who are considered high risk for complications (children who suffer from asthma, diabetes, heart disease, HIV, kidney disease, lung disease, sickle cell anemia, and more.
  • Ages 11 to 12 – At this age, a visit to your family physician or pediatrician is recommended to review immunization records and provide hepatitis B, MMR, or varicella which were missed earlier. A booster for Td (tetanus and diphtheria) may also be recommended. As with younger ages, the flu immunization is recommended for those children who are considered high risk for complications (children who suffer from asthma, diabetes, heart disease, HIV, kidney disease, lung disease, sickle cell anemia, and more.

School-related Health Issues

With the new school year come a number of health concerns.

Backpack Issues are among the most common. An overstuffed backpack can mean back problems for your child. Be sure each of your children’s backpacks weighs no more than 10 percent of his or her actual body weight. If your child insists on overpacking, consider a backpack with extra support or one with wheels that can easily be pulled around the school’s hallways.

Conjunctivitis, aka “pinkeye” is a common ailment easily spread from child to child in a school environment. Conjunctivitis presents with redness of the eye, swollen lids, discharge or drainage, and light sensitivity. Prevention is key, because the infection is viral in nature, and only resolves with time. Children should be taught proper handwashing techniques to help prevent the spread and if your child is infected, he or she should remain home until his or her symptoms improve.

Food Allergies are a concern for many. And although cafeterias avoid items which might result in an allergic reaction, parents and children need to stay alert. The most common food allergies are related to eggs, milk, peanuts, soy, and wheat. Remind your child(ren) who suffer from allergies to avoid sharing food with friends, and to be aware when consuming items at parties, bake sales, and other school outings. Be sure your child always has appropriate food or snacks for field trips and other school events. If your child has a life-threatening allergy, ensure the school nurse and other personnel are aware and know what to do in case of an emergency.

And finally, the dreaded lice seem to make their way to school every year. Once infected, the pesky invaders spread quickly. Lice infestation causes itching. If you suspect lice, confirm the diagnosis with a medical professional and use an over the counter product to kill the lice.

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